
J&J Cleaning has been associated with us for all kind of cleaning work since 3-4 years. We are extremely happy with the service offered by Chris and his team and they are now kind of permanent vendor for all our cleaning needs.

Visnja Luppino, Daly’s Constructions Australia (Ph + 61 3 8369 9801, Mob + 61 414 959 209)
J&J Cleaning does all our general maintenance cleaning work as a sub contracted agency… their approach as a cleaning agency is fantastic. Though we have hired them since 8 months only we see a good reason to continue this business relation for long.

Sam, A Cleaner world (Ph + 61 3 1300 134 659, Mob + 61 449 253 893)
We outsource our General maintenance work to Chris and his team since 2 years… and till date services are extremely professional as sub contracted agency.

Peter Francione, Clean Net Australia (Ph + 61 3 9544 6244, Mob + 467 323 000)
J&J cleaning cleans our office space since 2009-2010. They are always on-time and their help to keep our work environment clean and tidy helps us sustain our work productivity. Cheers to Chris and his team.

George Stojcevski, Pac Fire Australia (Ph + 61 3 9314 1055, Mob + 61 425 718 518)


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J and J Cleaning Services
120 Cotham Road, Kew, VIC 3101